We offer a variety of small groups to learn and build community. Sign up for what interests you!

The Bachelorette & the Bible - how culture affects our faith

4-Week Virtual Small Group

WHO: Open to all but especially geared to younger couples and singles.

WHAT: Culture tells us to live by one set of rules that seem opposite from God’s. Hypocrites try to tell us how to live. Who do we listen to?

WHEN: Wednesdays – Jan. 13, 20, 27, Feb. 3, 2021 at 8:00 pm EST

Binding Together - Marriage & Family in the real world

4-Week Virtual Small Group

WHO: Open to committed couples.

WHAT: Relationships are hard. Keeping a family together is hard. Finding time to grow together is hard. We’ll lean on each other and scripture to learn and grow.

WHEN: Tuesdays – Jan. 12, 19, 26, Feb. 2, 2021 at 7:00 pm EST

Fishing with Jesus

4-Week Virtual Small Group

WHO: Open to men ages 12 and up.

WHAT: If all fishermen are liars; why would Jesus trust fishermen with His ministry? This will be a fun look at some fishing tips and biblical truths on what it means to be a real man in today’s culture.

WHEN: Saturdays – Jan. 9, 16, 23, 30, 2021 at 8:00 am EST

Men of the Table - Men’s Bible Study

WHO: This group is currently FULL. Use the sign-up form below to be placed on the waiting list or for when a new group forms.

WHAT: Jesus had a band of brothers and you should to. A closed group of committed men who want to dig deeper into their faith.

WHEN: Fridays at 7:00 am

Fly Tying 101

WHO: Open to everyone

WHAT: A free webinar designed to introduce anglers of all ages to how fun and easy it is to tie your own fishing flies. We’ll cover the tools, materials and basic concepts to get you started. Catching a fish on a fly that you tied is one of the greatest joys in sport!

WHEN: February 20, 2021 at 9:00 am EST